Tatiana Tyutyunnikova, Ph.D.
Leadership of Russian Orff Association (RusFOSA)
Associate Professor
Head of the Department "Elementary Music"
Moscow Pedagogical State University MPSU
Tatiana Tyutyunnikova, Ph.D. in Art History, leader of RusFOSA. She is currently a Head of Music Section of Teacher’s Society of Russia and a Trainee of numerous Orff-seminars all over Russia. She also participated in variety of international conferences on aspects of elementary children’s music education. Dr. Tyutyunnikova obtained her Ph.D. from Moscow Conservatory studying the world experience in a field of children music education and “Orff-Schulwerk. Early forms of harmony”.
Dr. Tyutyunnikova is internationally recognized specialist in a field of early music education with kids 3 — 8 years and an author of several popular teachers book on topic “Elementary making music and Improvisation with Pre-School Children”. Her books focus on teaching music to young kids through creative improvisation in different forms. Her personal teaching approach “100 secrets of music teaching for novice teachers” is aimed, not only on creation and improvement of the kids’ musical ability, but also on development of children’s creative thinking and personality skills such as perception, memory, attention and emotionality.
Dr. Tyutyunnikova published more than 80 articles on music education, methodic and didactic of Orff-approach, such as “Pre-School Music Education”, “Orff-Schulwerk in Russian Schools”, “Orff-Schulwek and Russian traditional music ”, “Making music and improvisation in Elementary School”, "Baby and music" . She also authored several books on musical education which were approved and recommended as teachers-books by Department of Education of the Russian Federation. Dr. Tyutyunnikova also designed a series of orff-seminars for music teachers “Learn to Create and Improvise”. These seminars achieved great success and popularity. T. Tyutyunnikova travels all-around Russia and abroad leading these seminars as courses on developmental education for music teachers.
T. Tyutyunnikova has many personal contacts with Orff — teachers in USA and Europe.